Princess Catherine shed tears at Maria Borrallo's special gesture for George, Charlotte and Prince Louis
Celebrity Tonight   16/09/2024   2700

As summer approaches at historic Balber Castle, Princess Catherine is accompanied by her close family and loyal nanny Maria Balo. This year, the trip to Boll takes on greater significance as Maria, the Welsh family’s trusted nanny, travels to Scotland with renewed dedication to supporting Catherine.

The family retreat at Balber Castle, usually a peaceful retreat in the Scottish Highlands, has become a healing haven for them. While the estate typically fosters relaxation and family bonding, the focus this summer has shifted to the private moments of care in Catherine’s ongoing care. Nanny Maria, who has been part of the family since Prince George was a baby, remains a cherished figure in the lives of the Welsh children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Her close bond with the children brings comfort not only to them but to Catherine as well.

Maria has relied on her presence during these difficult times. Maria’s decision to accompany the Welsh family to Balal was driven by her unwavering commitment to their wellbeing, and she recognised that her role would be particularly important as they began their summer holidays. Maria’s calm demeanour and graceful handling of the children’s needs have made her an essential part of the family, especially during this challenging time. In previous years, Prince William, Princess Catherine and their children, along with Nanny Maria, have travelled economy class to Inverness Airport. Last year, Maria was seen getting off the plane with Charlotte and Louie. With Catherine’s health being a top priority.

Maria has made a significant effort to support the entire family, taking on many extra duties to ensure that the children’s lives remain as happy and normal as possible. Whether it was organising outdoor activities in the vast grounds of Balal or preparing the children’s favourite meals, Maria’s contributions were immeasurable. Her devotion to the Welsh family always shone through during previous summer holidays, where she showered her children with love and care, whether they were enjoying time in Norfolk or the stunning beauty of the Isles of Scilly. Maria’s ability to balance discipline and affection has endeared her to George, Charlotte and Louis.

However, this summer, Maria’s responsibilities went beyond her usual duties as she supported Catherine during her recovery. Their close relationship became a source of comfort, allowing them to share gentle conversations and mutual understanding. Knowing that Maria was looking after her children helped Catherine to focus more on her own wellbeing. Maria’s calm presence assured Catherine that the children were in safe hands, providing invaluable peace of mind during this difficult time. Sources close to the family say that the relationship between Catherine and Maria has grown stronger.

With the princess expressing her deep gratitude for Maria’s loyalty and dedication. Maria has been a strong pillar of support for Catherine, who has complete confidence in her, a trust that has proven crucial throughout this challenging time. As the summer progresses and Catherine continues her healing journey, Maria’s role will remain pivotal, providing a sense of continuity and stability based on her love for her family. Having Maria by her side has been a true blessing for Catherine, allowing her to focus on her recovery while knowing that her children are in good hands.

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